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Petit Collage



Regular price $ 25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 25.00 USD
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Can you bark like a happy dog? Can you chase your tail like a puppy? The Dogscapades Board Game from Petit Collage is a pawsome kids' game that will test just how well you know dogs and their tricks! The player who most recently petted a dog goes first. The card will ask you to either test your dog knowledge or act out something dog-related—such as barking like a happy dog or chasing your tail like a puppy! Complete the action and you can move your piece the number of spaces listed on the card. If you can’t do it, that’s no problem, play simply moves on. The first to player to reach the finish line wins the game!

The Details:

  • Ideal for 2-4 players
  • Recommended for ages 4 and up
  • Includes game board, 4 wooden dog character pieces, 1 wooden die, and 50 action cards in English, French and Spanish
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